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Naturally extracted

oils are not only rich in protein, vitamin E, copper, magnesium, and other minerals. These are mainly used for medicinal purpose. These oils are necessary to nourish our nerves, skin and hair. They also help maintain good health of cells and muscles


Almonds are a source of vitamin E, copper, magnesium, and high quality protein. Almonds also contain high level of healthy unsaturated fatty acids in addition to a lot of bio-active molecules (such as fiber, phytosterols, vitamins, other minerals, and antioxidants) which can help prevent cardiovascular heart diseases.


Apricot Oil: Apricot Oil is being used in Chinese folk medicines for centuries to treat cancer, skin, hair and under eye dark circles. Apricot kernel oil is obtained from the kernels ( seeds ) of Apricots. Apricot oil is great as a massage oil as it is very light and makes the skin soft. Apricot kernels themselves are quite healthy and are being researched for a number of health conditions including cancer.


It is one of the important herbs for Indian kitchen to make the Indian cuisine tasty. All the parts of this herb have very strong smell; hence it is called Ugragandha in Sanskrit. Ajwain has many health and medicinal values. It is well known seed for Instant Remedy for stomach ache.


Oil Cure Coriander oil is a wonderful herb to provide an overall good health in this polluted and pesticide driven world. It is a great detoxifier, reduces cholesterol from blood veins, improves digestion, great help in menstrual pains and irregular blood flows. Coriander oil controls diabetes, anti depression aid and treat thyroid issues.


The health benefits of Jeera (cumin) oil include its ability to aid in digestion, Gastric trouble, improve immunity and treat obesity, piles, insomnia, respiratory disorders, asthma, bronchitis, common cold, lactation, anemia, skin disorders, boils and cancer. Jeera lowers blood sugar levels. A good, natural way to reduce / control weight.


Flax seed oil is beneficial in helping to reduce high cholesterol. The risk of heart disease is lower in individuals who take flax seed oil. Several studies have found that this oil seems to be able to calm the inner lining of the inflamed intestines. Another benefit exists as there is a high content of mucilage in flax and this is an effective natural laxative.
Hemp Seed Oil: Hemp seed oil is very good for improving your metabolism and digestion, good for heart as it contains good and balanced amount of Omega 3 and Omega 6, good for joint pains, muscles and a great aid in sleep. It is super rich in proteins, It has all essential amino acids by human body. Good protein diet for vegetarians. Topically it is good for dermatitis.
Jojoba Oil: Jojoba Oil, cold pressed is full of vitamin E, which is very good for your skin and hair. Jojoba moisturizes and make your skin radiant and elastic. It works like a natural sunscreen. Great oil for reducing dark circles with regular use of this jojoba oil.


Hemp seed oil is very good for improving your metabolism and digestion, good for heart as it contains good and balanced amount of Omega 3 and Omega 6, good for joint pains, muscles and a great aid in sleep. It is super rich in proteins, It has all essential amino acids by human body. Good protein diet for vegetarians. Topically it is good for dermatitis.


Jojoba Oil, cold pressed is full of vitamin E, which is very good for your skin and hair. Jojoba moisturizes and make your skin radiant and elastic. It works like a natural sunscreen. Great oil for reducing dark circles with regular use of this jojoba oil.

New Arrivals – 100% cold pressed virgin oils @ our store or @ amazon @ sellers brand store.

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